Anthony’s Fine Art and Antiques

On Saturday I came home from the airport and Abe met me at the harp story to get Lydia’s new harp!

After we went to lunch.

Then we went to Anthony’s Fine Art and Antique store. They were having a show dedicated to James Harwood, the father of Utah Impressionist painters.

We also found Abraham Lincoln there!
I loved this painting of the water.
I want to buy this and hang it every September-October!
Skeptic and believer.
I LOVED the way this artist captured natural light!
This has a shelf of Florica Danica porcelain. I just saw some in Sunnylands and was so tickled to see some here!
One of the Harwood paintings
At home Ammon was pretending to be a fortune teller. I should show him this blog and the picture we found of the other fortune teller!