Picking out a Christmas Tree

Today was another low-key day. Liy and Swathi went on a nice walk at the Utah Lake together and, and in the afternoon, Clark, Swathi, Soren and Meera went to a birthday party of a friend of their that lives nearby. While they were at the party, we bought a new oven (our old one broke) and we went and picked out a Christmas tree. We love the one we picked out. We all arrived home at about the same time, and we all decorated the tree and the house together while Clark took Georgia’s old laptop to Best-buy for repair. He has been doing a lot of helping her with her technology and storage needs on this trip. The tree looks great, and I’ll have to get a picture of it for a later blog post.

We ended the day with two games of Wingspan, both of which Clark won. He entered our home 10 days ago as somewhat of a Wingspan novice (he hadn’t even played with nectar!). Now the student has become the master. He he demolished me and Lily. It was so fun!