My Trip in Utah, Pullen Park and my Birthday Dance

My Trip in Utah: I’m still in Utah, and today I had dinner with Georgia and spent time with Courtney and Matt. It’s been a great trip. Yesterday I also had dinner with Georgia, went shopping and spent time with Daniel Olsen. It’s been busy, but very happy. I’ve also been enjoying work. We’ve had large leadership sessions and I really appreciate the way my manager uses the time to direct us in working sessions that result in tangible decisions, direction and action-items. So far I’m really liking my new role.

Pullen Park: Today Lily took the kids to Pullen Park. It looks like they had a lot of fun!

My Birthday Dance: When I got home, I shined and waterproofed my chukka boots and Ammon and Clarissa helped me, which was fun. Then all the kids performced a birthday dance for me that Lydia choreographed and directed. I loved it! I was so touched. They practiced a lot and really gave me something special!