
This morning, after he discovered me kneeling in the closet crying into the laundry basket about how tired I am of being pregnant, Abe offered to give me a blessing. In our church, a blessing is when someone who hold the priesthood acts like a mouthpiece for God and speaks words of comfort or guidance to the person in need of a blessing. I am so grateful to be married to someone who can do this.

My most favorite part of the blessing said that God had picked Lydia’s birthday long before she was even conceived. That was good to hear–especially since I spent the morning researching the pros and cons of induction. I keep getting stressed out because not only am I tired of being pregnant, but I feel bad that people are traveling all the way out here to help us with the baby–and we have no baby yet!!! My brother has been here for weeks and has to leave for Mali the day after my due date. I was hoping he’d get to meet his niece before he leaves, but every day that passes with no Lydia stresses me out a little bit more. And Abe’s dad and stepmom are coming in tomorrow or Sunday and will be here a week. I will feel TERRIBLE if they have taken off all this time out of their busy schedules–and then don’t even  get to meet their granddaughter.

But I am turning the matter over to God. He has a plan for Lydia, and I am trusting she’ll be born at the exact right second, just like the blessing said. In the meantime, I’m kind of giving up on trying to keep everything perfect in the house. I can see a film of dust on the coffee table in front of me, and I think I shall simply pretend it’s not there and go take a nap.

Maybe I’ll wake up on Lydia’s birthday!