
Right now I am typing one handed. Lydia is nestled on my shoulder, and a giant pile of her spit-up is resting smack dab in the middle of my bra. She has pretty precise aim; we are so proud of her!

Some memorable moments so far:

Abe somehow went days without changing a poopy diaper. When he confronted his first one, he exclaimed in genuine alarm that we must be over-feeding Lydia. He didn’t believe that much poop could possibly be healthy or normal. I think he has since adjusted his expectations; when he changed another poopy diaper this morning, the only exclamations to escape his mouth were effusions over how perfect the color of her poop was.

Two days ago, Lydia managed to pee onto her head. Her hair got soaked. Don’t ask. A sponge bath followed promptly.

Lydia must have the best dreams ever. Half the time she feeds in her sleep. It’s amazing how much milk she can extract while she is sound asleep.

So far that’s it. She sleeps a LOT, so most of the time we are dealing with a little baby zombie. Abe told her that she’d soon learn that life is better when you’re asleep, and I think she took his advice to heart. I will never understand how my husband and daughter can so consistently choose sleep over food, but I’m learning to accept that my lot in life will be to remind all of my loved ones to stop zoning out and finish their food. C’est la vie.

Happy first week, Lydia!

Lydia is tired of all of the pictures!
At your newborn photo shoot, Sarah Severson ( )did such a great job taking pictures of you, and we are so excited to see how they turned out. She had you in such cute poses that Daddy and Grandpa got in on the act, too. You had your very own Paparazzi.

Happy one week anniversary, Lydia! We are in love with you, and so we’ve probably taken too many pictures and videos of you. But you are such a miracle in our lives! And even though your mommy complained and complained about how much she wanted you earlier, you timed your arrival just right.

Day 2 with Daddy
You are our precious bundle of joy. The lactation consultant told us that you, along with 25% of the baby population, fit into the “sweet and sleepy feeder” category. After Mommy’s milk came in and you were no longer dehydrated, you have been so sleepy that we have to wake you to feed you–and then you fall asleep while you are feeding! So we have to keep waking you up during feedings to make sure you eat enough. We do not know how we got so blessed with such an easy child (especially when Mommy and Daddy were both so fussy at your age).
This is one of your favorite poses, and you do this almost every time we try to feed you.
Yesterday was very exciting. You went for your first walk in a stroller:

And the day before that you got a LOT of presents from your Nana (Mommy’s mom), Grams, and Grandpa.

You made them all so happy, and everyone loves holding you!

Day one in the hospital with Grams and Grandpa
With Nana (The nurses gave you a faux-hawk!)
With Uncle Clark
With Daddy
Nana laughing after you peed all over her

Yesterday, Daddy also gave you a tour of your new home. Mommy recorded it on video, but the sound isn’t so great at the beginning of the video. Mainly you hear Mommy doing a lot of Darth Vader breathing (ever since labor, blowing her nose kind of hurts some rather sore muscles…and so her breathing is all skeewompus).

Here’s the tour Daddy gave you:

Also, here is a birth video!:

We love you, Lydia!