Potty training success!

The cutest story of the day is that after we put Lydia to bed tonight, she wet the bed. When Abe went in to her bedroom, she was repeating over and over, with tears streaming down her face, “I wet the bed, but that’s okay. I wet the bed, but that’s okay.” And she was frantically trying to put on a new pair of what she thought were undies (they were actually just Mary’s cotton shorts). “Daddy, can you please help me put these on?” she sniffled. Our hearts became water reservoirs on the spot.

I wish I could take credit for the potty training work that went on in the house today, but I’ll confess that I cheated and went to the farmer’s market, Tony Caputo’s, and the grocery store this morning while Abe dealt with all of the accidents. (To be fair to myself, I have had the girls for three straight days by myself, and the wheels had come off the cart and rolled far, far away.) As I was bringing in the groceries, Lydia peed all over the box of applesauce cartons and then…no more accidents until bed time! I am thankful to God for answering my request for some aid in this process, and I am thankful to Abe for helping me feel sane again.

I also went to stake conference tonight.  The stake president counseled us all to keep the commandments, and if we don’t know where to start, just start by trying to be nice people. It was a more inspiring talk than it probably sounds here.

Because I actually had time to cook today, my kitchen is a holy-moly mess that I need to go clean. So here’s the daily picture fest.

Lydia was excited to be a big girl today.
Lydia was excited to be a big girl today.
Mary was excited too.
Mary was excited too.
I came home to discover Lydia, Mary and Abe playing a "stop" and "go" game with signs they colored while I was gone. Lydia is sitting on an oilcloth we toted around during the day in the hopes of sparing our carpets...
I came home to discover Lydia, Mary and Abe playing a “stop” and “go” game with signs they colored while I was gone. Lydia is sitting on an oilcloth we toted around during the day in the hopes of sparing our carpets…
Mary thought the game was hilarious.
Mary thought the game was hilarious.
I cooked today! I roasted a bunch of baby beets, wilted down those deeeelicious beet greens, and made some Cuban beans from my library cook book. It turns out that Mary LOVES beets, and even though she has been picky recently, she happily gorged herself on those.
I cooked today! I roasted a bunch of baby beets, wilted down those deeeelicious beet greens, and made some Cuban beans from my library cook book. It turns out that Mary LOVES beets, and even though she has been picky recently, she happily gorged herself on those.
Eating dinner. Very satisfying shot, in light of all the boxed mac 'n cheese the we've been eating in Abe's absence.
Eating dinner. Very satisfying shot, in light of all the boxed mac ‘n cheese the we’ve been eating in Abe’s absence. Oh wait, that’s mac ‘n cheese on Mary’s tray! (Guess what we had for lunch…again?
Abe brought me flowers yesterday, but I was so stressed and tired that I forgot to take a picture. Hopefully I remembered to thank him. They're beautiful, Honey!!!
Abe brought me flowers yesterday, but I was so stressed and tired that I forgot to take a picture. Hopefully I remembered to thank him. They’re beautiful, Honey!!!