New York, New York

I am in New York City! It feels a bit strange because the last time I was here, we were all so jet-lagged, sleep deprived and together. Now I’m here with my lovely brother and sister-in-law; we are all deeply engaged in our electronic devices, and the apartment is quiet. Very different from the soundtrack Lydia and Mary (and, let’s be honest and include me in that group) provided the last time we were here.

I just realized, I forgot my toothbrush! Normally, (TMI!!) Abe, the girls and I are gross and share in this scenario–which seems to occur every time we travel. And even though part of me is tempted to sneak into Clark and Swathi’s bathroom and steal one of their brushes, I will spare them if only because I like them so, so much.

How did I get into this predicament? Well, you see, we were supposed to leave the house at 9am to get to the Salt Lake airport in time, and at 8am every single member of our family was still in bed. So in one hour, I had to pack everything for this trip, tidy the house, disinfect the bathroom, cook up some eggs, and get myself dressed.

Putting Lydia's pants on right before we were supposed to leave. She did not enjoy the idea of wearing pants, and so I procrastinated this fight until the end. She doesn't look so unhappy here, does she?
Putting Lydia’s pants on right before we were supposed to leave. She did not enjoy the idea of wearing pants, and so I procrastinated this fight until the very last minute. She doesn’t look so unhappy though, does she?
Did I mention I got dressed? I felt great about this for two reasons. Reason #1) This morning I stepped on the scale for the first time in a LONG time and got the shock of my life. I am a mere 10ish pounds over where I was when I married Abe. Considering I gain 75 lbs per pregnancy, this is HUGE!!!! All this to say, dressing myself was much more fun with that information in mind. #2) For the majority of my pregnancy and the ensuing 9 months afterward, I wore the same three t-shirts and the same two skirts almost every day. Sometimes I got fancy and donned yoga pants. An actual sweatshirt for special occasions. But I actually dressed myself today, and I'm sorry, but that felt like something momentous in life.
Did I mention I got dressed? I felt great about this for two reasons. Reason #1) This morning I stepped on the scale for the first time in a LONG time and got the shock of my life. I am a mere 10 okay, 13 pounds over where I was when I married Abe. Considering I gain 75 lbs per pregnancy, this is HUGE!!!! All this to say: I was so happy I actually got dressed today. #2) For the majority of my pregnancy and the ensuing 9 months afterward, I wore the same three t-shirts and the same two skirts almost every day. Sometimes I got fancy and donned yoga pants. An actual sweatshirt for special occasions. But I actually dressed myself today, and I’m sorry, but that felt like something momentous.
Clark and Swathi took me to the East Village tonight for Indian food, cupcakes and ice cream. Don't I have SUCH a pretty sister-in-law?
Clark and Swathi took me to the East Village tonight for Indian food, cupcakes and ice cream. Don’t I have SUCH a pretty sister-in-law?
We walked around afterward. Here we are in Washington Park.
We walked around afterward. Here we are in Washington Park.

Meanwhile, back at home, Abe was busy taking care of the girls. His best friend, Anthony, along with Anthony’s wife, Malika, and their little boy, Emil, are in town. They all ate dinner together and had a great time. I can’t caption the pictures because I wasn’t there, but it looks fun!

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