Saturday Conference

I am taking a break from having children. I mean, I want more eventually, but right now, my cup runneth over at two. Last night I got up multiple times to attend to hungry/poopy/crying children, and this morning Lydia wet the bed at 6am (Abe got up that time. Thank-you, Honey.). Just as I sat down to blog, Lydia ,who was still awake because we didn’t think to stick her mattress cover in the dryer until right before bedtime, freaked out and poured her full potty all over the white carpet in her bedroom.


Shall we just do this day’s post in pictures? That sounds nice to me.

Lydia at the farmer's market. She appears intimidated by the produce.
Lydia at the farmer’s market. During Mary’s nap this morning, I took Lydia to: Tony Caputo’s, the Salt Lake City Farmer’s Market, Target, Trader Joe’s and Smith’s. In her hand, please note her breakfast: Trader Joe’s cookies and apple slices.
At Trader Joe's. She loved putting stuff in the little person shopping cart.
At Trader Joe’s. She loved putting stuff in the little person shopping cart.

We went over to Dan’s parents’ house for the second session of General Conference.


Dan playing with Mary. She kind of loved it. I was supposed to be watching conference, but this was so adorable.
Dan playing with Mary. She kind of loved it. I was supposed to be watching conference, but this was so adorable. Abe, though, appears to be devoutly listening. He filled me in afterwards on what I missed.
After conference was over, I think.
I guess Abe took a break from his devout listening.

The next bajillion shots were taken by the incredibly generous Preethi. I read an article a while back about this one mom who did not want photos taken of her post-baby. She then had this epiphany that her kids needed pictures of her being with them so they could look back and see how present she was in their lives. It was a really pretty article, and ever since I’ve been thinking I need more pictures showing that I am present in my kids’ lives. The only problem is, I, like the author, abhor my post-baby body fat and have a slight aversion to cameras. But I am so glad Preethi took these photos because one day Mary will grow up and probably not want to be around me all the time, so I will have these to remind me what a cuddly relationship we once had.

IMG_3827 IMG_3825 IMG_3832 IMG_3830 IMG_3829 IMG_3828 IMG_3835 IMG_3834Here are Mary and Kina together. IMG_3853

I can't even take it! So CUTE!!!
I can’t even take it! So CUTE!!!

Also, Nat was so sweet and took Lydia’s hand to lead her to his gym. IMG_3840

This picture will come in handy twenty-something years down the line.
This picture will come in handy twenty-something years down the line.
The sweet ones, together.
The sweet ones, together.

Since I was busy doing errands and getting distracted by cuteness, I only heard conference in snippets. The talk that I am most sad I missed was President Uchtdorf’s talk.

Everyone is talking about it, and from things I’ve heard and read, it was a great sermon on allowing every one the right to worship or not worship according to the dictates of their own conscience. He emphasized how we should not judge those who choose to worship differently than we do or who abandon our beloved religion (and perhaps break out hearts in the process). Wouldn’t this world be better if we all decided not to judge each other? Sign me up!!!