a sermon, a concert, and a birthday bash

Today Abe had to pass the sacrament at the hospital, so I had to get the girls fed, dressed, and ready for church by myself. We arrived approximately forty-five minutes late. Good things Mormons have three hours of church every Sunday! That means that even though I missed my favorite teacher for Relief Society, I still got all of Sunday School AND Sacrament meeting in.

Sunday School was all about what it means to minister to the poor. Whenever these lessons are taught, someone inevitably points out that there are many ways to be “poor,” and that our call to minister to the poor is broader than simply doling out money. I agree, sort of. But I agree more with this: at the end of the day, there are people in the world whose problems could be resolved by money. We, middle class citizens of a first world country, should be giving them ours. That simple.

[pause in blogging] Abe just came down and talked to me for a while about the lesson he’s teaching next Sunday. The topic he was assigned is “talking to our children with gentleness and mildness.” He was really excited because in the Book of Mormon, when the people are trying to kill two prophets, God surrounds the prophets with fire and then proceeds to chasten the people in a voice of perfect mildness and gentleness. The point here: Even when we do crazy awful things like try to kill a prophet, God speaks gently and mildly to us; therefore, we should always speak gently and mildly to our children–no matter what.

I pointed out that if we could surround our children with a pillar of fire anytime they were doing something heinous, we wouldn’t need to yell either. We could just whisper directions all day long, and our children would be perfectly behaved. Poor Abe left scratching his head. Sometimes I wonder what God is going to do with me.

So back to the day. After church, we ate lunch, I got a blessing from Abe (about culinary school–I am going!!!!!!), we took naps, and we played in the living room for an hour before Skyping with one set of Abe’s grandparents. I played the piano for them, and that felt like the perfect channel for all the practicing I’ve gotten in lately.

I finished making Mary's birthday cake after church, and Lydia wanted to lick the chocolate hazelnut mousse whip.
I finished making Mary’s birthday cake after church, and Lydia wanted to lick the chocolate hazelnut mousse whip.
We spent a lot of time lying around while the girls destroyed the house.
We spent a lot of time lying around while the girls destroyed the house.
I played the piano with the blinds up. Getting that much sun is SO bad for the piano, but felt so delicious to me.
I played the piano with the blinds up. Getting that much sun is SO bad for the piano, but felt so delicious to me.

After Skyping, we went to the Miners’ house for dinner and family birthday celebrations.

In front of the Miner's house, I was fussing with Mary's car seat, and I looked up to catch Abe smiling sweetly at me. I killed the spontaneity of it by making him hold the smile so I could take a picture and remember the moment.
In front of the Miner’s house, I was fussing with Mary’s car seat, and I looked up to catch Abe smiling sweetly at me. I killed the spontaneity of it by making him hold the smile so I could take a picture and remember the moment.

They were doing September and October birthdays, so Mary (Sept 27th!) got a cake and presents. She was pretty cute.

Mary liked her cake and presents.
Mary liked her cake and presents.
She even helped with unwrapping.
She even helped with unwrapping.
And she had an all-around great time.
And she had an all-around great time.
Lydia spent most of that time navigating the tricky territory of toddler sharing.
Lydia spent most of that time navigating the tricky territory of toddler sharing.
It's just easier when everyone is in their own separate sphere and sharing is not an issue.
It’s just easier when everyone is in their own separate sphere and sharing is not an issue.

Then we came home and I played the piano for another hour while Abe kindly bathed the girls.

After her bath, Lydia was distraught that she could not figure out how to put her pants on correctly. (She had both legs in the same pant leg.) I was mean and took a picture--at Abe's request, though!!!
After her bath, Lydia was distraught that she could not figure out how to put her pants on correctly. (She had both legs in the same pant leg.) I was mean and took a picture–at Abe’s request, though!!!


After that, I wasted time online and picked up the messy house. Abe just came down to check to see if I’m done blogging yet, and so–

Yes. I’m done!