This morning Misty came over and generously babysat my kids so I could go play the piano for a church meeting at Arlington Hills Nursing Home. I loved playing the piano for those sweet people, and they were so nice. They made me feel like I did a great job, even though I had serious difficulty at every page turn and made a ton of mistakes. What a great group of people.
After I was done, I came home and had a great play date with Misty and her kids.
Mary has been so fussy lately that I honestly started to wonder whether she has special needs I just don’t know about. For example, maybe she’s autistic? But she relates really well to me, and she seems socially in tune, so I ruled that out. Abe thinks she’s just teething, but he didn’t watch her turn purple from screaming for an hour today.
Perhaps it’s simply a straightforward addiction to chocolate chips. When I just can’t handle the screaming anymore, I give her a handful of chocolate chips and she transforms into a (somewhat) happy baby. By the end of today, Mary had polished off…a bag???? I think/hope/fear I helped…
Other than feeding my kids a million times and cleaning the kitchen two million times, my main accomplishment today was organizing the toy bins. In the midst of the mess, Mary found a ball on the floor and proceeded to play catch with me for twenty minutes. I did not even know she could throw a ball! Obviously, she can not actually catch one, but our game nevertheless bore a striking resemblance to catch.
Abe spent the evening studying and is practically at death’s door from exhaustion, so this is me hurrying up and finishing this blog. I still need to clean the whole house (it is a TOTAL wreck) before going to bed. Since Abe is pretty much in bed already, I need to work fast!