I gave one of the eulogies at my grandma’s funeral, and I tried to copy and paste it into the blog but am having formatting issues.
In the meantime, today Auntie Geri, the kids and I went to see Zootopia. I watched the movie with a huge grin on my face. It was so delightful. I know Abe would have loved it and my only regret is that he wasn’t with us.
Lydia also knocked her harp lesson out of the park. I was so proud of her for focusing and doing a great job. It has greatly helped that no one is allowed to eat breakfast or touch food until Lydia has finished her practicing. That helps with motivation. 🙂
We also watched the new Cinderella with Auntie Geri tonight. She hadn’t seen it. Today we got to be transported to delightful worlds twice! Well-made movies are amazing.
No pictures because I forgot, but we have a huge backlog that Abe took while I was away and from my Grandma’s funeral. Speaking of Abe, he did an AMAZING job while I was in Illinois. He got the girls dressed and coiffed for their dress rehearsal and ballet recital, he kept the baby alive and well, and he had the house clean and an amazing beef stew cooking when I got home from the airport. Auntie Geri was a big help too, and I was thrilled to walk in on a blissful domestic scene where everyone appeared content and order reigned. He is an incredible husband and life partner. I couldn’t imagine a better one!