An Awesome Day At Lagoon! Except Not. An Adam Miller lecture! Except not.

Thursday of this week was set up to be an awesome day. I had cleared my schedule and planned to take the day off of work.  As a family, we were all going to go to Lagoon. The idea was that we would go before school got out for everyone. We wanted to beat the crowds.

After an hour of gathering things for our day at lagoon (diapers, wipes, snacks, sun screen, 6 swim suits, a towel, formula etc), and driving an hour, we arrived at Lagoon only to learn that it was closed to the public, and available only to a certain school district that was having their lagoon day.

We were so set on beating the crowds that we didn’t even stop to consider that crowds to some extent might be necessary for a theme park to be open to the public. Oops!

But as silly as this might sound, the drive down to Lagoon and the drive back was glorious. Finances have been a little tight and also with having a new baby, we really haven’t traveled much in the last year. I LOVE traveling with my family and car talk time with Lily is one of my favorite parts of every trip, and I just got to chat and that was so fun. I’ve missed not traveling much lately, but two hours in the car with my family actually scratched the itch a bit for me. It was nice 🙂

Also awesome was that we then had the entire day free to plan the fruit trees we had purchased earlier in the week.  Lily also got to plant some of the things she purchased at Cook’s. As for the trees, we planted a dwarf apricot, a plumb, a Honeycrisp apple and a Rome Beauty apple. Despite days worth of my allergies flaring up afterwards, I loved being in the yard and planting the trees. It was quite a project and Lily and I barely finished in time to catch our Adam Miller lecture in Provo.

Except when we got there, we realized we got the day wrong. The lecture had happened the day before. Whoops! So, since we had a sitter and Lily and I were already out, we just went to a Thai restaurant, and walked around downtown afterwords. We just talked and talked about things like grace, Lily’s recent spiritual journey, mindfulness, what it means to be Christian etc. I had such an amazing time talking to that woman who is beautiful inside and out. Her mind and heart inspire and fascinate me. It was so incredibly fun just to hang out with her on a beautiful evening. Honestly, one of my favorite dates I’ve ever been on with her.

Honestly, I can’t imagine that this day could have been any better, even if Lagoon were open, and if Adam Miller did present at the time we went to see him.