Game of Thrones

On Friday we watched Game of Thrones for the first time. I have gone off the deep end reading theology and spiritual memoirs and every kind of spiritual book, and I felt a deep need to reroute my brain. I am going crazy with the faith crisis stuff, and when I watched N.T. Wright’s lecture on homosexuality during Clarissa’s nap time, I felt deep despair. I loved his biography on Paul and was really hoping for something better than what I got in that lecture. At that point I was feeling like not only the Mormon Church failed me, but the best Christian historian out there failed me, and I was done. So: Game of Thrones. It hopefully won’t fail me.

Clarissa spent HOURS of Thursday night screaming, and so Abe and I were really tired all day. So it was really nice to just watch TV together when the kids went down. The only thing is Game of Thrones is so graphic and violent. I don’t mind the graphic parts, but the violence is gross. At the same time, the plot and the people are super compelling, and it is just really hard to find shows with great plots and characters so…we watched for hours. It was a much needed escape.