First day of Sunstone

On Thursday I was gone all day to Sunstone. I went to a presentation by LDS poets about the intersection between poetry and prophecy. Anciently, prophets were often poets charged with speaking truth to power (e.g., Isaiah!), and in our church we have made the prophet the source of power. So he can’t really speak truth to himself. Then I went to a presentation on philosophy, presented by a woman who might have known my dad when she studied philosophy at Loyola! After that I had a fun lunch conversation with a man I met on Wednesday night and talked about our respective faith journeys and current beliefs. It was such a relief to find other live people on faith journeys, I really can’t even express. And then I went to a presentation from John Hamer on church for the unchurched. What he is doing in Toronto is spectacular.

I came home early so Abe could take Mary to her eye doctor and piano lesson. He took this picture of Mary on their outing. She was so excited because after he took her to dinner on a special daddy-daughter date.