Ammon literally forgot who his mom was today.

I know I write that I’ve been grumpy a lot recently, and I don’t know if that’s because the steroids are in my system, or if I’m sleep deprived from too much caffeine and steroids, or if I am just exhausted thinking so much about faith transitions, but in any case, I was not patient with my kids today. Again. Sigh.

But I took them to the park while Lydia had her harp lesson, then home, then the splash pad for Mary’s first grade meet-up, dropped Lydia off at a pool party, cleaned the house top to bottom, did a ton of laundry, and managed Clarissa, who fell asleep on the way home from the splash pad and never slept again. She was a disaster.

Also, Ammon forgot my name today. I think I’ve been gone or checked out so much that he honestly forgot who I was.  I have barely interacted with him for days, I guess. He was trying to talk to me at the splash pad while I was chatting with another mom, and after repeating himself a bunch he tugged on my shirt and said, very earnestly, “Um, what’s your name?” I replied, “Ammon, I’m your mom.” Matter-of-factly he said, “Oh. I need to go potty!” I guess I need to read to him more.

In a little bit here Abe and I are going out with our friends, the Harmons. In the meantime, here’s a picture I took of the girls at the splash pad:

Mary won’t let go of Lydia. It was an Arches gathering for first graders, and Mary is really shy so she literally hangs onto Lydia the whole time. I heard that she did this all last year at recess and it was hard on Lydia, but I got to see it with my own eyes. (I did tell Mary to let go after I snapped the picture.)