Computer Issues, Leaving for San Diego

Lily said there was not much to report today, so I’ll share about my day.

Work was mostly consumed by re-imaging my laptop to be SAP compliant and networked now that we are owned by SAP. It’s kindof funny and sad because my boss insisted I upgrade my computer about 5 months ago. I couldn’t have cared less about upgrading. But for those who hadn’t upgraded, they got a brand new fancy machine (better than my upgraded one) and they got to keep their old one for personal use with this SAP transition. I was bummed that I now have a worse machine and not one for personal use, but hey it’s all good.  I had bumps in the re-imaging process and it took me 2-3 hours, but it finally got done.

After work, I came home, had dinner with the family, and helped with the night routine. I then spent a few minutes with Lily giving her a short massage. Harp practices have been especially brutal lately, and she has been getting very stressed out with all her demands. After a moment with her, I drove to the airport, got on a plane and arrived in San Diego very late.