Richard Rohr and drive home

In the morning we went to Richard Rohr’s church and heard him preach. He gave an amazing homily that addressed humility, immigration, and perspective. Abe and I were wowed. I spent the rest of the day considering converting to Catholicism, despite the fact that I don’t believe in it at all and it has an even longer history of corruption than Mormonism. But I just love Richard Rohr so much. Maybe I will enroll in his living school.

As we left we saw the international balloon festival balloons floating all around the sky. It felt like New Mexico was sending us back home with a colorful party. We loved this trip so much.

We hardly stopped at all on the way home, although we did have dinner at Pasta Jay’s in Moab. We adore Moab and have so many memories at Pasta Jay’s. It was delightful.

When we got home, we hung our chili pepper wreath on the door. We brought New Mexico home with us!