Lily’s New Hair Style

Today was a good day. I have been quite sick, so I’ve been at about 50% capacity, but there has been so much to be happy about. First of all, work is going very well this quarter. We are in first place for a sales competition and if my team wins, we will get $15,000 for a team trip.  We have to hold the lead through December, but it is exciting to be in the running. After a very hard quarter last quarter, it is so nice that a lot of business seems to be coming through this quarter. Sales is certainly up and down. There is also starting to appear the chance that I would promote at the end of this quarter or next. The reason why that is significant (aside from the money), is that then I would no longer be working two jobs (sales rep and manager) because I would only be managing at that point and my team would not even get much bigger.

I went to my car to rest and read Richard Rohr partway through the day because I was feeling so whiped out and on the way out to the car, I couldn’t help, but to admire the beautiful trees in our work parking lot.

I made it through the day, but I really had to push hard to make it to the end. I have a new system at work that is really helping me. It is that at the beginning of each work day, I decide the three most important things that need to get done that day, and I make sure they happen, even if it means cancelling meetings, dropping other balls, postponing or neglecting e-mails and chats etc. I was very tired today and only did 2 of my 3 things, but it was a productive day.

At home, we all ate an incredible shepherd’s pie dinner that Lily made and then she left for a while to get her hair colored. It turned out so amazing! Here are the pictures!!

While Lily was gone, I was doing my best to parent while feeling incredibly exhausted. I think it was a combination of work stress, some hard things that happened at work, still feeling sick, overexerting at work, potential allergies and the weightiness of my faith issues right now.

It was probably an evening in which the kids could have gotten away with anything on me because I was just too tired to regulate the kids effectively.  Clarissa took full advantage of my state and jumped down from the top of the couch over and over and over (sorry Georgia). I did, however, have the presence of mind to grab a video!

After the kids went down, I napped for an hour from 8-9, then I lay in my bed delirious with fatigue. I was so tired that I didn’t want to get up, and I just reached for something on my bedside and I found myself reading Better Homes and Gardens….which is not really my cup of tea. Although I do love gardening. I finally compelled to get myself out of bed and I planned next years garden with the mistakes of this year all fresh in my head. I’m going to plant only one thing per box, give plants way more space, plant my carrots one at a time so I don’t need to worry about thinning, and hopefully be more intentional about soil nutrients.

When Lily made it home we finished the battle against the White Walkers in Game of Thrones.  I admit the series is a bit intense with its content, but the story-line, characters and execution have all been incredible, and it has been a very fun show to bond over with Lily.