Little Women part one (and spilled soup)

On Friday Abe went to the Darais family Christmas party with the kids and my mom. I was completely exhausted and spent most of that time lying on the couch next to my closed book and listening to Kenny G. After a while I started tidying the house and listening to friends on Marco Polo. One friend talked about the new Little Women, which gave me the idea to do a Little Women marathon, starting with 1949 version that I grew up on.

Abe had a phone call for his AXB secret santa exchange, so during that time the kids, my mom and I watched this favorite version. It was so cozy.

Abe had a bad experience after the party. He had a huge pot of lentil soup in the car balanced between the driver and passenger seat. One of Abe’s pet peeves is when people go slowly on a protected left turn, so on a protected left he hit the gas and that pot went flying…all over the car. It made Abe really mad to have the soup spill everywhere. I think it was just a really stressful week in general, so having that top it off was too much. He was very nice when he was mad, though. (The only reason I know he was mad is because he told me he was mad about it multiple times. In a perfectly even and composed tone. I wish I could be mad like that.)