Attending our New Ward

Sunday was our first day visiting the new ward. Lily will probably come some Sunday, but today it was me, Georgia and the kids. I really liked it. Sacrament meeting had a cool story from a returned missionary. She prayed about who to visit, and her mind felt guided to a name in her area book, that had been tried many times, and who seemingly was never home. She tried that person again, according to the spiritual prompting she had, and turns out that lady had prayed that morning to God to send her a sign that he was there.

Elder’s quorum was very nice. It was about our covenants, which is a tricky topic for me right now given my nuanced views on the church, but I was able to derive value as I reflected on the ways the rules of the church keep me safe, and how making and keeping commitments is an important principle for successful living.

At home Lily and I spent time together, and then I broke my fast over one of the most amazing things I’ve ever eaten. Lily made BBQ jackfruit sandwiches, but they tasted incredibly similar to actual bbq chicken sandwiches. I was obsessed with them (and still am). I couldn’t believe how good they were and how similar they were to real chicken.

For our Come Follow Me lesson, we discusses 1 Nephi 3:7 which essentially says God will not ask us to do anything that She/He will not help us to accomplish. We discussed the Ten Boom family from The Hiding Place that chose to trust in God’s help when they decided to follow their conscience and help endangered Jewish people hiding in their homes.

For family home evening we watched episode 4 of Mr. Rogers. Mary could barely contain her laughter when the french cat actually punched the punch clock multiple times instead of using the punch card.

Here is a picture of a dream world Lydia colored (I think if she could invent a world, this is what it is supposed to be):