Chinese New Year

It seemed like I spent a lot of time on Marco Polo on Friday. In the morning I worked out at the gym and then showed the old house to some prospective renters. In the evening I went back to the tile store and finished picking tile for the basement bathroom.

Abe and the other managers had to work from 6pm to 1am to do a last minute revision of the sales books for their reps. He cuddled with Clarissa before he left. We also ate Chinese food for Chinese New Year. (It went straight through Abe and me. Yikes!)

After Abe left the girls did their practice, and then I put down Clarissa and attempted to put Ammon to sleep too. Despite getting a lot of back scratches and listening to Enya, he couldn’t drift off, so I let him watch the new Aladdin with the girls and me. I loved cuddling with those three on the couch and felt so, so lucky all evening.