Christmas Trees

Lately Lily purchased marsh-mellows and Rice-Crispies in order to make Rice Crispy treats for the kids. First of all, Clarissa is a master marsh-mellow heister. She can beg cutely, and if that doesn’t work, she’s not afraid to go into the pantry find the bag and plunder away.

But even more hilarious than that is that somehow Clarissa thinks that the way to say rice crispies is, “Christmas Trees”. She kept asking for and talking about “Christmas Trees” and I thought it was so hilarious. I caught it on video here. It reminds me of how she used to call an elephant “ephleant” then “ephelant”. I loooove the way she says things. She is sooo adorable :).

I took it very easy on Saturday. I was very tired from the efforts on Friday. I forgot to mention this on yesterday’s post, but I worked very hard Friday after work completely clearing out our basement to make a really nice play area for the kids.

I think it may have been today (Saturday) that I caught Ammon running in circles repeatedly as he said to me, “I’m doing my job”. I think he was trying to say he was doing his jog. At any rate, it is a beautifully big space the kids now have to play in.

Lily and I also put in our bedroom rug on Saturday. It looks great! It required us to completely dismantle the bed. We also put down a rug in the big unfinished basement area to make it a little more inviting for play.

Aside from that, the day just consisted of rest and being with family. I also caught some hoops :).