Another Day Off

I took another day off today. I was so tired from the crazy marathon of yesterday, that I questioned, at times, if it was worth taking a day off given how intense and painful Thursday was. But, I felt affirmed throughout the day that yes, it was worth it.

I did an easy home workout in the morning and called my aunt Andrea and loved talking to her. I also set up some bins for Ammon’s bedroom while listening to Gordon Lightfoot. I was newly appreciating just how good his music is. I heard it growing up from my dad, but I’m falling in love with it now on my own. He makes

While I was in my room, I helped Clarissa crawl into my bed to watch a show. She looked so cute so I snapped a picture. I think the shirt she is wearing is an old hand-me-down from Lydia and Mary. We have a TON of 3T clothes and it fits Clarissa perfectly because she is so big (mostly just really tall). We just got out all those 3T clothes so you are going to start see a lot of pictures of Clarissa in Lydia and Mary’s old clothes :).

Also, during the day, Lydia got the idea to make a quilt out of pieces of paper that everyone on the family had taken turns designing. Georgia said that Clarissa could make modern art :). It was an adorable idea and the final product was really great. Nice work Lydia!! She told me she did something like that in school and that’s how she got the idea.

I also took Ammon and Clarissa to the dumpster to get rid of all of the trash (mostly from boxes and wrapping from the bed we set up in Ammon’s room). It was a Spring cleaning week in Orem, so they just had the dumpsters in the parking lot of the city park. I also had a quick chat with my dad around the time of arrival. I love connecting with him. Ammon was so adorable when I was loading the dumpster. Without even being asked, he took it upon himself to unbuckle and hand me things from the back of the van. It was so fun to have him as my little pal working on the project together. He has so much youthful energy! He also involved Clarissa, who apparently wanted to help, but was strapped into her car-seat. He would hand her a piece of trash, and then ask her to hand it back to him, and then he would give it to me. And everyone was happy :).

On the way home, I got Murphey’s pizza again. It was soooo delicious. This time I put the Gourmet veggie on the bottom rack of the over. At first I thought that I made a mistake when the crust cooked so much faster than the top of the pizza, but when I took a bite into a crispy crust, with a gooey saucey top and al dente veggies, I went wild with delight. It tasted soooooooo good. :).

Also, Lily has been super involved one facebook and marcopolo. She has been building friendships, processing general conference, sharing her newfound place of love that extends to and through the church and churchmembers, and also just having a good time. I forgot to mention she had a long chat with her Thrive group the night before (Thursday).

Also, tonight, I talked to my brothers for our bi-monthly bro call. I learned Jere is learning the computer language “Rust” to pass the time being homebound and David and Olivia just got a new washing machine. It seems Olivia is doing well with her new job and David enjoying his new home-office equipment that he was able to expense to his university. I watered the lawn while I talked to them. I just recently realized it was dying and that I need to figure out how to get the sprinklers going (in addition to watering in the short-term to prevent it from dying more).

After the call, I think I watched the beginning of the second “Pirates of the Carribean with the kids”. I think I might have also played Operation with them earlier in the day. It’s a fun game and we’ve been enjoying it together. I also cleaned the basement (which was a disaster from all the new art supplies that were recently utilized), and did Mary’s eye exercises. For dinner, I made Euros, a current family favorite! Lily worked a wonder on the upstairs in the morning. Sorry this is so out of order, but it was a good day!