Setting up the basement

On Friday, I had the day off of work (yay!). My brain and nerves were shot from the intensity of work. Lily had a big to-do list she wanted to do and that was perfect. I love manual labor, especially as therapy to let my mind decompress. Lily and I used much of Friday (until past midnight) to completely overhaul the basement to turn it into a wonderful play area for the kids. Lily has put a ton of thought into how to make our home a better place for our children to play so they will spend more time playing and less time watching TV. On Friday we cleaned various parts of the house, set up the sewing table, cleaned the sewing table area, cleaned the art area, replaced our queen bed with a king bed in our bedroom (though it still has the queen mattress since the king mattress was ruined with dust), hung a large mirror in our room, put a large rug in in the living room, set up a train table and moved a basement rug to the end of the room to go under it, set up two sets of drawers to go by the sewing table, and more.

Today was a huge success. Here is a picture of Lily helping to set up Ammon’s train table.