Basement Fun

After all of yesterday’s hard work, Lily and I had a lot of joy seeing our children play in the spaces we worked hard to create for them yesterday.

Here is a video of Clarissa coloring.

Here Lydia and Mary are painting. I removed a few of those insulation panels since this picture since I was worried about the dust.

Here Ammon is playing with his new train set.

I made Bao buns, carrots and yogurt for lunch for the kids. Aren’t they precious!

Here is my gorgeous wife. I love her outfit!

For dinner I made spring rolls. Lily helped walk me through everything. She was on the couch and freezing. She did a ton of fasting during the week and broke one of her fasts today, and her body reacted by shutting down, getting very tired and getting very cold. Also, Lily was super productive during the week (including really solid music practice with the kids for which I’m so thankful!) so I think she just needed a break. She walked me through what ingredients to do and how to make the peanut sauce. It was all a hit!