happy happy Labor Day

I don’t know exactly what Abe and I did Monday morning, but I do know our kids played so cutely all morning long. At one point I think Abe and I were doing yoga together and the kids showed up in homemade armor. We grabbed our phone and took a picture:

The children also danced to a freeze dance song together. We caught it in the two videos below. It was sooooo adorable!

In the afternoon we played more games and then in the evening we drove to Squaw Peak, built a fire at an overlook, bird watched, roasted s’mores, and enjoyed the time together so much. By the end of the evening the kids were running up and down the trails singing and dancing and laughing together. Abe and I just watched them and marveled at how lucky we are. It was one of the most magical evenings we have had, and all of the kids kept saying how it was the best day ever.

After this shot the phone died. That was sad because Abe and I wanted to get videos of the kids singing and capture the magical moments this evening held, but we’ll just have to rely on our memories.
The trail was steep and the kids were completely covered in dirt from climbing on all fours and sliding back down. So after we came home they all got baths–and afterward Ammon fell asleep steps away from his pajamas.