play date

On Wednesday I got up early for my German tutor that I found on Verbling. Our first meeting was at 5am this past Saturday and I was so thankful that Wednesday’s meeting was at 6:30. She is in Germany so we have to navigate that time difference, but it is so worth it because she is awesome and I love the chance to practice speaking. I also got Lydia a tutor through Verbling because I think the chance to speak is just so fun.

I also got the kids new fall clothes last week (well, mostly Lydia and Ammon), and since the temperature took a dive this week, Lydia was so excited to wear hers Wednesday. She loves, loves, loves getting new clothes and picking out outfits. And, thanks be, Mary loves, loves, loves getting Lydia’s hand-me-downs. So on Wednesday morning they were both ecstatic to be in their new and hand-me-down outfits, and they asked me to take a picture.

After the girls were in school we dropped off some stuff to my mom and came home for a play date with my friend Courtney and her son Wyatt. We have been a lot more lax about social distancing lately, and it was so fun to get together with a friend.

Then I went to an appointment with the psychiatrist and got a needed prescription. I feel grateful for how good my life is, but even with the major pieces of it intact, I feel like life itself is a kind of trauma. At any rate, she said I appear to have PTSD, which would explain some of the mental pain recently. So here’s hoping modern medicine, EMDR and therapy do the trick!