On Saturday morning Abe came up to find Mary practicing in her unicorn onesie pajamas. She adores these and wears them all.the.time. And she is the cutest thing ever in them, so of course Abe took a picture.

Then we drove to get my mom’s car serviced. Since we were not far from our favorite trail, Lydia and I rode our bikes for over an hour while Abe walked the trail with the other kids:

Lydia and I had the most wonderful, fun time. We tried speaking German the whole time, which was really hard. At one point I told her (playfully) in German that she always says, “later” to everything I ask her to do, and then she told me in German that I always speak the “spaeter Sprache” too. She just made that up–“spaeter Sprache” means the “later language”–and it is such a cute, accurate term for a language Lydia and I both speak all the time! I laughed so hard when she said that.

She also said a lot of other funny things that I can’t remember now, but I do recall that it was such a fun time and I wish we could bike together like that every day. It was just so, so sweet to be together on a beautiful trail and just chat.

After that Lydia had her online German class and I think we just hung out at home. I assume Abe and I cleaned at some point, but my memory fails me. The best part of the day was the trail for sure.

Here is a video of Lydial learning to sing a very fast song about the elements.