Bryce Canyon with Liem and Phuong

On Sunday we woke up early and the kids had fun running back and forth between our cabins.

Each cabin only fit four so we had to rent two. That worked out because Clarissa was so excited she kept me up until past 2am crawling everywhere. Abe, who drove the next day, would have not fared well with that in the same room. As it was, I loved her playfulness and honestly didn’t mind a minute.

Then we loaded the car and met Liem and Phuong around 9am. We hiked the Queen’s Garden trail in Bryce Canyon together, and wow was it stunning!

Phuong hiked this whole trail at 26 weeks pregnant!! It was pretty much straight down into the canyon and then back up again. By the end we were huffing and puffing, and I know I would have keeled over had I been pregnant. I was so impressed.

Then we said goodbye and drove, drove, and drove some more down to Tucson. We got stuck in the worst traffic either of us have ever seen (this includes L.A.!!!) outside of Phoenix.

I looked back to see Lydia and Ammon sleeping and holding hands. So sweet.

By the time we got to our Airbnb it was late and dark, and we just transferred the kids to their beds.

Ammon was excited that he got this room to himself.

Then Abe and I went outside and unwound in the hot tub underneath the gorgeous Tucson night sky. It was a really relaxing conclusion to a loooooooong day of driving.