Cars Cars Cars, Basset Hounds, and a cute anecdote from Clarissa

A couple months ago one of the kids (Clarissa or Ammon) was playing in the Carolla and turned on a light and left it on so the battery died. I’ve been meaning to recharge it since then. This morning, I finally jump-started it and drove around on some errands to charge it. Then I took the mini-van to Lub-Doc to get its emissions done and to get it registered. I was completely shocked to learn that I hadn’t registered it since February 2019, and so it was actually 11 months overdue. Yikes!! I was so over-due, Lube-Doc couldn’t help me, and the DMV was closed, so I need to call them first thing Monday morning. While the van’s emissions were getting done, I shopped in Smith’s with Mary and Clarissa. Mary was so helpful and helped to pick produce. Clarissa got a pink balloon that was clipped to her handles in the cart, and it continues to make her happy. After that errand, I then registered Georgia’s car. It was around 2:00 by the time all the car stuff was done. It was so nice to get it all taken care of!

Then I did a hard workout, got ready for the day and took the kids on three laps around the block (they watched a lot of TV today). Lily has been super tired today because of how hard she pushed it during the week and it was nice to see her catching up on rest a bit.

After the walk, we all ate pizza, and I set up Ammon’s coding robot and Mary’s coding art robot, which they both played with. In the evening, Lily had a wonderful Zoom conversation with her group of Thrive friends. That group is such a blessing, and I’m so happy that they all have each other. I think they all felt very uplifted talking together.

On a final note, Lily has put down $500 for a Burna-doodle dog. We are considering a second dog and Lily and Lydia have been researching dogs incessantly. Right now everyone is completely charmed with the idea of a Basset Hound, but we are also terrified of the stubbornness, and the stairs in our house could be a problem. But those ears and the droopy face!!!

Also, one quick anecdote about Clarissa. She is so cute and she has gotten very masterful at making her bed-time routine very protracted and difficult for her parents. The routine is basically this: 1) All out tantrum EVERY night at the announcement that it is bed-time (as if it is a shocking and unjust surprise that has never happened before), 2) Adult carries crying Clarissa (who is now very big, especially with length) to her changing table (which she has now grown out of), 3) Depending on Clarissa’s mood, she may or may not require that she chooses her pajamas and she may or may not take a while to decide. 4) Brush teeth 5) get water 6) have fluoride 7) Tell Clarissa to pick out her night time books 8) Tell Clarissa to pick out her night time books 9) tell Clarissa to pick out her night time books 10) tell Clarissa to pick out her night time books 11) Tell Clarissa she only gets 3 books, not the big stack she picked 12) negotiate with Clarissa 13) feel happy that she settled for 5 (I actually now just resign to telling her to pick 5) 14) read 5 books to Clarissa, and pray she’s not in a mood to stop and discuss various pages 15) Tell Clarissa it’s bed-time 16) Answer Clarissa’s second request for more water (Mary often helps here), 17) make sure Clarissa has the stuffed animals she wants (if she brings that up), 18) hug and kiss Clarissa 19) sing or hum on the way out (she recently made a stipulation that she wanted me to sing, but not with words, so humming made her happy) 20) tell her good-night and shut the door 21) sigh, both out of appreciation for the cuteness of that moment and the adorable girl I just got to spend 15 or minutes with, and out of relief at having control over my life again.

That was the routine, but recently Clarissa added a new part (she keeps adding things). Now, after I close the door or just as I’m closing it, she says, “wait! Can I ask you a question?” Or “Wait! Can I tell you something?” Then she proceeds to ramble on about something that mostly never makes sense and is pretty clearly an attempt to just extend out the time of someone giving her attention and not going to bed. After listening to her go on and having her eventually finish, and sometimes successfully cutting her short (she’s masterful at not allowing for pauses that would make a natural breaking point), I finally close the door, and then proceed with the parental sigh. But recently, she has added more iterations. After the question/telling me something, she now speaks up again a second, third or fourth time after I close the door, just to tell me something or asking a new question. It’s crazy!!! Tonight, she was doing this new most recent routine and I’d had enough (the part I didn’t tell you is if I refuse to go in, she will sit there and cry for who knows how long, I’ve only tested her to about 15 minutes). This time, on the fourth time in, or so, I stormed in with my best stern dad face, and said very coldly and matter-of-factually, something to the extent of “Clarissa, this is nuts, make it quick, and go to bed.” I then gave her the evil eye, which I don’t know if I’ve ever done before. I stared at her sternly and coldly. We looked at each other for a good 5 seconds, when she broke the silence jovially, and playfully saying, “dad, you are just so mad right now.” It was making her cheerful and happy to see me mad! I kept my cold stare, but inwardly I was laughing my head off. A big part of me just loves how little she takes seriously because I tend to take too much seriously. I love that girl! She did finally go to bed after that.