Visit from the Marshall’s

It’s almost a week later and I don’t remember anything about today except that the Marshall’s visited us and we such a wonderful time with them. They had Covid a little while back so they have the antibodies and are way past their time of being contagious, so it was totally safe. It was such a thrill to socialize with them again.

They brought their dog London, who is a gorgeous golden retriever. At first, Basil was scared of her, but then something clicked and then he couldn’t get enough of her. He was also confused, poor little guy. First he tried playing with her, then he tried nursing from her (actually latched on a time or two), and then he tried humping her. In all cases, London mostly just wanted Basil to go away and she hid under the table for part of dinner.

It was so fun catching up with the Marshall’s Camden, Carter, and Olivia all recited stories they are practicing for a school competition. Olivia actually won last year and performed at the Timpanogos Storytelling festival. They were great!!

The Marshall’s are so fun to talk to and we had such a great time talking with them over food from Spicy Thai. What a great end to our day!