Driving to Dead Horse Point

I had a very busy day at work and unfortunately did not finish everything. But I pulled away from work around 5PM and we all finished getting ready and loaded, dropped Basil off to be boarded, got dinner and bought some groceries for the trip and we were on our way probably a little after 7:00.

The way down was really fun because we listened to an incredibly engaging reading of Redwall by Brian Jacques. Lily and I were especially impressed with the book (the kids were either too young or distracted or sleeping for a lot of it.)

We pulled in to our yurt at dead horse point between 10 and 10:30. Clarissa had been sleeping in the car, so when she woke up in transition to the yurt, she had energy to stay up for a very long time. Lily and I were up quite late due to Clarissa talking before she finally drifted off. We woke up quite tired on Saturday.