I took the day off of work today, which was amazing. I was going to downhill ski, but I was so physically tired from sledding, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing that I decided to skip skiing. This worked out well because Lily was exhausted, and was able to go swimming and have a nice long bath. She deserved it, especially since she took on the kids while I cross-country skied on Saturday.
It was really fun being domestic today. I did a lot of cleaning, fed the kids lunch, did work on the taxes, and did the budget etc.
Around 3:30, we took Lydia and Mary to ski school. Lily and I were a little worried about how it would go because both of the girls are pretty timid and risk averse when it comes to physical activities, but when they finished, they both came back to the care beaming about how great it was and how they want to do it so much more. I have to hand it to Lily to making ski school happen. I was hung up on the cost, the effort, the extra stuff in the schedule, but I’m so so so so glad Lily pushed for it. We get discounted passes through Qualtrics and discounted lessons and rental through their school program, and it’s such a great opportunity to learn a skill and have experiences so unique to living in Utah. Good going Lily and good going girls for being such great sports and diving into learning a new sport, especially one that can be a bit scary! One of them said it was even better than snowshoeing or sledding! Here are a couple of pictures and a video.