Wrightsville Beach

Most of my pictures of this day will not load, but these two did. In the first Clarissa is feeding the seagulls, and in the second you can see Lydia and Mary in the background calling to Poseidon as they sit in the waves. They swore after that Poseidon actually responded every time they asked him for a really big wave.

On Wednesday I did five sets of the 400 workout again in the morning and helped Ammon with his massive pile of homework. I also did a lot of laundry, cleaning, meal making, and hair braiding, so we did not leave the house until 10:30. We arrived in Wrightsville a little after 1:30pm, and after picking up beach supplies we spent the next four hours just playing on the beach.

Well, the kids played. I drank a lot of coffee and that makes me extra anxious, so having my kids by the Atlantic was not play for me. I basically stood in front of Ammon and Clarissa and ordered them to scoot back every time they entered the ocean. Ammon’s inclination is always to self-destruct, so of course he wanted to full on immerse and swim in the raging ocean. Clarissa must have been a water nymph in the last life and has always been the most water-obsessed person we’ve ever known, so she has the exact same instinct as Ammon. I was beside myself trying to keep the two of them alive, but I did briefly sense a secondary sensation of satisfaction to see all of my kids enjoying themselves on the beach. The feeling was minor and disappeared almost immediately as soon as Ammon made another beeline for the waves, but at a fundamental level I am aware that going to the one of the most beautiful beaches in North Carolina is a privilege that I am grateful we had.

On the way there and back we listened to Mythos by Stephen Fry to refresh ourselves on Greek mythology. The girls were addicted, Clarissa hated it and Ammon was ambivalent. By the end we had to switch periodically to The Greatest Showman soundtrack to placate the little ones.

At the end of Abe’s work day, he took his team out to a fancy steak dinner at Oak House to celebrate an outstanding Q3.

Brian Gorman, Abe, Matt Frongello, Derek Tuimauga
Abe said he ordered steak because he started to just order a salad or something less expensive, but he thought it made the others feel awkward, like they couldn’t buy the more expensive steaks since Abe was paying for most of the meal (team budget only covered $100). When Abe changed to steak, it seemed to put people at ease. Abe said this was the best steak he’d eaten in his life.
Abe’s mom has been texting us photos and videos of Basil throughout our trip. We were trying to figure out how to take care of Basil while were were gone and we were down to boarding him with perhaps the occasional stint with a friend. We were so touched when Abe’s mom offered to take him the whole time! She loves animals and has a great backyard and Basil has been so happy with her. Also, it is so nice of her to keep sending pictures and videos to light up our days. We are so touched!

We picked Abe up from the office around 7pm, came home, showered everyone, fed everyone a quick dinner of leftover pasta and salad, and then Abe gave me a long massage while he told me all about work. The massage put me to sleep, but I woke up to go to the bathroom right after and wasn’t able to fall asleep again until midnight. Then I woke up again at 2:55am and haven’t been asleep since, so I have just caught up on blogging and will now go try to sleep again. I think it’s because I drank a LOT of coffee driving. I get sleepy on long drives and the coffee really helped, but on top of the phentramine I now can not sleep at all. It’s 6am now so I will try to sleep a little, but if that doesn’t work maybe I will just accept the fact that today had a very early start. Oh! There’s Abe’s wake-up alarm now!