Happy birthday, Ammon! And welcome to Greece!

Ammon’s sixth birthday was spent partly on a plane and partly in Athens. We took a taxi to our Airbnb in Piraeus, dropped our luggage, sorted out how to access cash since our ATM cards turned out to be out of date, and walked across the street to the metro to get to Athens. In Athens we walked a bit in Monastiraki and made our way to the Parthenon, eating a meal (was it lunch? Dinner? Who knows??) on the way. The Parthenon was supposed to be open late. But because of the rain it was closed. So we just turned around and made our way slowly back to Monastiraki to catch the metro back, enjoying the sights and sounds on the way.

As it was Ammon’s birthday, I need to recount the funniest conversation we had with him at some point on this trip. We were talking about Hades and Ammon piped up saying, in all sincerity, “But it’s good to be dead, right? Because then you don’t have to listen to your parents and can do anything you want because you’re already dead! Like you can wham bam into walls!!”

We laughed so hard. We think it is funny that Ammon’s idea of heaven is a place where you don’t have to have to listen to your parents, you can do anything crazy because you’re already dead, and specifically that heaven includes whamming and bamming into walls.

Also, on our last day in Greece we were on the metro headed into Athens and Ammon, as he always does, struck up a conversation with a kind woman. She and her husband were retired and were so delightful. (In fact, thanks to Ammon, we count them as new friends and plan to visit their restaurant in Andros in two years!) While she was telling us how they have flats around Europe but they travel all the time and every night her husband asks her which country they should plan on being in that night, she said, “I know I am crazy! All my girlfriends tell me I am crazy!”

Ammon, in his little mask, lit up like a light. “Hey,” he cried. “I am crazy too! Maybe that’s why we are friends!”

Again, he had us laughing pretty hard.

Also, in our pictures, I couldn’t help but note how I am almost always holding Ammon firmly by the hand or attempting to discreetly restrain him with my arms. Ammon, I love you so much and so I think I am a little overprotective sometimes. You are the sweetest, kindest, friendliest little boy and I never want you to get hurt or lost! But maybe, since your birthday was quite understated this year, I can try to give you more space this year. That might be a birthday gift that turns out to be your favorite yet.

We love you, Ammon! Happy birthday sweet boy!!!