Off to Santorini

In the morning we packed lightly and drove down to the port to catch our ferry to Santorini.

As we waited the kids found this octopus by the port taverna.
Waiting for the ferry.
The ferry arrives.
Spotting Santorini.
We got a taxi almost all the way to our Airbnb, where Abe lay a sleeping Clarissa on her bed.
In our Airbnb there was this art piece which reminded Abe of his grandfather’s art.
We ate at Skala and it had terrific views of the caldera.
The food was so good.
Competing with the hoards of people to see the sunset. At one point I took the three oldest and just wandered down alleys while Abe took pictures of the sun at various stages of setting.
The girls and I bought earrings for Suzanne.
Then we got dessert.

After this we caught our return taxi back to our Airbnb, where everyone changed into swimsuits and played in the hottub overlooking the sea and a blue and white church right behind us. Well, the kids and Abe played and I tried very hard not to be too cold (the hot tub was more like lukewarm).