Dana-Farber House, Swimming and other fun

Today was a more low-key day for Lily, Lydia and Mary. They saw the Dana Farber house (Frank-Lloyd Wright) which they loved (especially Lydia) and then they went swimming. They also went to dinner and did some napping and hanging out and watching TV in their hotel room.

I took Ammon and Clarissa to breakfast at Magelbee’s with Todd and his kids. It was a bit tricky to keep them all behaved (and not running around the restaurant). I finally told Ammon he was going to the car if his butt left the seat. He was good after that. I sure had a great time connecting with Todd. He is a great dude.

Then we took some French Toast from Magelbee’s to Georgia and visited for an hour. All things considered, the kids were good enough, but still a bit tricky to keep occupied for an hour while Georgia and I talked. It sure was good to connect with Georgia. She shared some thoughts about the life-story she is writing.

Then I took Ammon and Clarissa swimming. I told Ammon we’d stay for an hour and a half and he was disappointed because he wanted to stay for an hour (he didn’t realize an hour an a half was longer). To explain it to him in a way he could understand, I said we would stay 100 minutes, and he got super excited about that (and we did stay that long). Todd came too, and we all had so much fun playing together. Ammon and Clarissa are getting super comfortable in the water.

Back at home I bathed the kids and put them in their PJs and told them they could watch TV while I got some things done (like blogging). They did watch a lot of TV, but I was also delighted to see them naturally making their way to the craft room to work on sticker books.