Horsetail falls

In the morning, Lily and I started slowly, but then the day picked up steam as I biked and worked at my computer while Lily made huge progress on music with the kids. Lydia was at a party at Lizzie’s house most of the day and I played a game with the other three kids where we pretended I was a desperate parent trying to manage misbehaved kids.

Then we all went on a hike at horsetail falls. It was so fun! Clarissa, of course, protested a lot and Lydia did not like the bugs, but I think by the end, everyone had a great time. One funny part was when there were some bugs, and Lydia said, “this is a nightmare” and Clarissa quickly agreed, “you’re right this is a nightmare.” Lol, but again, I think in the end, everyone had a good time, aided by jelly beans and hi chews every quarter mile on the way up, due to Lily’s recent inspiration from a lady’s advice on the Steward Falls trail. Right at the end Ammon saw a rattle snake close to him, and it really rattled him (no pun intended), but he eventually calmed down and saw it as a unique and even kind of cool experience. It really scared him though. Clarissa was still mourning the In-N-Out burger she didn’t finish from the day or two before (and Lily let Ammon finish it), and we told her she could get In-N-Out if she did a good job hiking which she did. The rest of the family preferred Zupas, and we were very fortunate to find a Zuppas right next to an In-N-Out in American fork. We enjoyed our dinner and got home at 10:40. What a day! Below are pictures and videos.