Fun with Anthony, Malika, Emil, and Amalia

Lily and I were delighted to learn that Anthony, Malika and their kids were available today to spend time with us. I worked today, but everyone else went to Tibble Fork and had an incredible time with the sand and inflatable boats. It wasn’t crowded and the water was cold, but that was a contrast to the very hot weather. They had an awesome time. I was beyond jealous that I missed it, but so happy for the time they all had.

Luckily for me, they were all able to hang out at our place when I got home from work. Even more luckily for me, we got to teach them our favorite of all favorite games, Wingspan while the kids had a blast running in and out of the house and playing together.

We love spending time with Anthony and Malika and their kids so much and are so grateful they shared this day with us!

Also, when Anthony and Malika and their kids left, Lily and I played picture charades with the kids, and then I played Apples to Apples with the older kids while Lily put down Clarissa.