Home, Harp, Podiatrist, and Playing Store

Today was my first full day home after being in New York and I loved it. I was up until midnight getting my work done, but that was largely due to the fact that I was so involved with the family after 3:20.

I picked up Mary and Lydia from school and got home just a little after 4:00. At that point I ate dinner and played store for a little bit with Ammon, Mary and Clarissa. I ended up buying lots of great things from their stores!

Then I took Mary to swim practice, and while she was at swim practice, Clarissa, Ammon, Basil and I went 4 minutes away to the house of Todd Jaramillo. He is a friend and podiatrist, and he agreed to see me at his house on almost no notice because my right foot was in so much pain that I could not walk on the ball off my foot without intense pain. The problem was a combination of the prickles that got stuck in my foot from the Lake Powell fiasco (when I ran bare foot to another houseboat to hitch a ride to our houseboat where Lily and the kids were) and all the running I’ve been doing to prepare for the upcoming half marathon. Todd removed a pus pocket that formed deep inside my foot, and after he removed/drained it, my foot felt amazing. Thank you Todd! After picking up Mary from swimming we returned home, and then Mary put Ammon and Clarissa down while I got my work done.

All evening, Lily and Lydia were gone to Salt Lake for a meeting about Lydia’s harp competition the very next day: