Birthday Celebration for Mary

Today was a nice day. Lily and I played pickle ball in the morning and did some walking and jogging together. Then I did a long run to prepare for my half marathon. Unfortunately, my IT band flared up, and that cut my run short (even though I was wearing a new IT band leg strap I just purchased). After the run, I bought some stakes and twine at Lowe’s and straightened some trees in our yard. While I was doing all these things, Lily worked with the kids and on the house. Then we all went to my dad and Suzanne’s house for dinner and birthday celebrations.

Dinner was amazing. There was a roast, watermelon, pineapple, zucchini, cheesy potatoes, and a very ornate salad. David, Olivia and Ozzy were also at dinner and it was fun to hear about their adventures at the kite festival in the Pacific Northwest.

Then Loralee arrived with Henry and they brought a really fun game called ransom notes. Basically, you need to write notes using only your random assortment of words, and then a judge chooses the best one. Lydia wrote some really great ones. One was a tag line for a new Guy Fiere cooking show and she wrote, “Murder animal. Obtain juicy limb.” Also, here is one she wrote for the prompt, “the weirdest dream you’ve ever had.”

After games, we sang and gave gifts to Mary and Olivia, and then we all ate desert. Everyone had a really good time! Also, Ammon and Clarissa got a little wild, and they got a lecture in the car afterwards.

After we got home, I tuned Clarissa’s harp and put on 3 new strings. She is just starting up again and it is exciting!