Utah is beautiful, Cat in a Tree, Clarissa at Harp Practice and Top Golf

The report from home today is that the sky was dramatic and absolutely beautiful. I love Utah skies! Also, the kids were fascinated and concerned for a cat that they saw stuck in a tree. They talked a lot about it when I connected with the family by phone.

Here is Clarissa at harp practice. Lily said she is doing so well at learning the harp!

On the work front, today was a very difficult day at Qualtrics, because we laid off 780 people. I’m grateful that I was not affected, and my team was also not affected. One team member is going to another team though. It was a stressful day for all of us, and especially stressful because we were in a room together trying to have our QBR when all the news was coming out. None of us knew ahead of time who would be getting laid off. It was a very stressful day, and it was fun to blow off some steam together at Top Golf!