Happy Halloween!

Today was very fun. All of the kids enjoyed going to school in their costumes.

After school, Lily brought the kids to Qualtrics where I took them around for trick-or-treating around the office.

Then the kids got to show Nana their costumes.

Then we went to trick-or-treat in downtown Provo. I forgot to take pictures!

Then Lydia and Mary went to their friend’s houses where they trick-or-treated with their friends. I took Ammon and Clarissa around our neighborhood with Todd and his son Casey for a while, and then Lily joined us as we went to the scary garage-converted-into-haunted house, that Ammon and Clarissa love as well as Morgan and Jessie’s house, and our favorite skeleton house and surrounding area.

It was a very fun Halloween overall for everyone. Perhaps the most amusing part is how happy the younger kids are about their candy. I have memories as a kid just reveling in my candy haul and sorting it and trading it meticulously with siblings. And that is exactly what Clarissa, Ammon and Mary did. Clarissa has her candy sorted all over the dining room table (and plead that we let her keep it there), and Ammon’s room has now turned into a trading floor for he and Mary.

Clarissa’s Candy