No title. Brain block? Yes.

Lydia had her new dance class today–with Olivia! I was happy to discover the Orem Fitness Center, where her dance class is held. For the past three weeks I have been working out on our treadmill, but when I run I usually end up injured, so it was nice to discover such a convenient alternative.

After lunch, tutoring, and naps, the girls begged to go outside. Even though I didn’t know if I had the energy  to put on their boots, I acquiesced. The cold air was very invigorating, and I ended up getting to know my neighbor, Brittany, a little better. We scheduled a play date for tomorrow.


I took this picture mainly because I can't get over the mountains in the background.
I took this picture mainly because I can’t get over the mountains in the background.
Mary was determined to "clean all the snow" by herself.
Mary was determined to “clean all the snow” by herself.

Bad news on the potty training front: Mary had a very unfortunate #2 accident in her pull-ups during her nap. I find that discouraging.

Good news on the potty training front: After her accident, Mary wanted to wear undies, and she’s kept them dry ever since! She’s gone to the potty at least three times since her nap. She also kept her pull-ups dry right up until her nap. I find that encouraging.

At 5:40 pm, Mary threw a tantrum because she wanted ANOTHER nap. I tucked her in, and Abe woke her when he got home. They snuggled for a while.
At 5:40 pm, Mary threw a tantrum because she wanted ANOTHER nap. I tucked her in, and Abe woke her when he got home. They snuggled for a while.
