I was determined to get some of our Saturday stuff done today so that we could have more free time tomorrow. Therefore, I rushed the girls through breakfast, piled everyone in the car and raced to the library to catch it at opening hour. We speedily selected some books in order to race back home and read for an hour. Then: Lunch time, preschool carpool, and cleaning.
When Lydia came back home, we did an hour of tutoring. Mom, thanks so much for the infusion of new materials! Lydia LOVES them, and we had so much fun with them today. Actually, I took this picture after wiping away all the tears on Lydia’s face because when she learned that this was our last work page, she cried.
Then we went out to dinner with Tom, Suzanne, David and Olivia. David flies back east tomorrow, so we all had dinner at Cafe Trang.
I want to get in as much of my book as possible before bedtime, so that’s all for today!