
Today was another recovery day, thanks to the help of Abe and Chelsea. Chelsea picked up Lydia for gymnastics, and Abe took Lydia to preschool. I stayed home, cuddled Ammon, slept, tidied, and made a couple meatloaves. I have been craving red meat–maybe because of all the blood loss? I don’t know.

But at any rate, I traded a meatloaf with my neighbor who gave birth on the same day as I did. She made these amazing maxi pads that she soaked in lavender essential oils, drenched in water and iced. She gave me some a couple weeks ago in anticipation of the birth, and since she had to have a C-section she gave me the rest today. I am so grateful.

Speaking of grateful, I have been very grateful for the food our ward members have given us this week. Two of the meals came from people who are struggling with all sorts of personal difficulties–including financial difficulties. I ate their meals with a full heart. I know how hard it is to make meals for others when you’re on a budget yourself. I can’t remember the last time food has actually pulled at my heartstrings, but these meals have almost brought me to tears. I’m grateful for good and generous people who set such beautiful examples for me.

Here are some pictures from today:

Post-nursing cuddle.
Post-nursing cuddle.

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Mary had fun playing outside today. Lydia joined her after Abe came home and they all biked around the cul-de-sac. It was cute.
Mary had fun playing outside today. Lydia joined her after Abe came home and they all biked around the cul-de-sac. It was cute.

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