I cannot believe that my oldest daughter turned 5 today. Every day I watch her grow up more and more. Getting more intelligent, more mature, more beautiful and more fun every day. It’s so crazy to me that she is 5 now. It’s amazing doing things with her like playing catch, working on a puzzle, playing a board game or watching her ride her bike (with training wheels (by herself) and reflecting on how toddler Lydia never could do any of those things. It’s also amazing to watch her grow in character and have shining moments of sharing with Mary and dote on Ammon (she’s completely obsessed with giving love and attention to Ammon). Today was a very significant day for me (Abe) because 5 feels sooo much more different than 4. O-K, I know I’m not giving her the car keys yet, but my girl is growing up!
Today Lily pulled all of the stops for Lydia’s birthday. Needless to say, she is passed out right now after putting on an incredible day for our cherished 5 year old, so I’m happy to do my small part and blog. It amazes me how much love Lily has for our children and how important it is to her that they feel an overflowing of love on their birthday. All I can say is, “Lily, thank you for giving such an amazing day to our precious five year old. It was a day to be remembered and a day you created with forethought, love and sweat. I’ll do my best to capture it below.”
Lydia was so excited about her birthday, that she could not sleep last night. When Lydia woke up, she came downstairs to find pink and white balloons in the living room. I was at the store getting some final items for the day when Lydia first got up, but I got to see her as soon as I finished my errands. At home I literally had 2 minutes to spend with Lydia to watch her open one present (a new doll) and then I had to rush off to work to try to be on-time. After I left, Lily made waffles with whip-cream and applesauce for the children and Suzanne called to with Lydia a happy birthday and Lydia opened another present (her cinderella costume). I came home only one hour and thirty minutes later to meet the electrician who was fixing three different electrical issues we’ve had over the past year. While home, I mostly did work, but I did have a chance to spend more time with Lydia and share in her excitement with it being her birthday.
At 11:00, I headed back to work just as Chelsea and her children were entering to eat pizza with Lily, Georgia and the children before heading to North Salt Lake for a tour of Mrs. Cavanaugh’s candy factory. That’s right I, I said they headed to a candy factory. When Lily asked Lydia (weeks ago) what she most wanted on her birthday, Lydia said (to our surprise) that she wanted to tour a candy factory. Major kudos to Lily for actually making that a reality. All I know about the candy factory visit was 1) it was a super long drive 2) they all ate insane amounts of candy 3) Lydia kept repeating how this was her favorite birthday ever.
Back at home, Lily and Georgia prepared for dinner while the kids played, and Lydia opened another present (an elsa dress and wand). I arrived at 6PM and helped with a few final touch-ups for dinner. My mom came over for dinner and we had one of my all-time favorite dishes that Lily makes which is spaghetti bolognese. I’m pretty sure she uses the American Test Kitchen Recipe. It is to die for!
My mom came over a little after 7:00 and we all had a great time chatting over dinner. After dinner, we sang to Lydia and ate an amazing rainbow cake that Lily made yesterday for Lydia. After cake, we all sat in the living room and chatted while Lydia opened more presents including: an awesome potholder maker kit (weaving activity for Lydia), a new game, Princess Sophia legos from my mom and new Cinderalla shows. Lydia and Mary played nicely and quietly while the rest of us visited with my mom. Then it was clean-up time.
My hat goes off to Lily for making this (in Lydia’s words) “The best birthday I’ve ever had.”
This is the next morning and it’s Lily here. I am adding the pictures and captions in order because Abe did not have time to organize them last night.