This morning I went to see a lactation consultant. My friend, Blair, works for the department of public health in Provo and set me up with one of her lactation consultant friends, Amanda. Amanda was wonderful. She confirmed what my friend Ashley had suspected: Ammon does indeed have a tongue tie.
The only way to solve his tongue tie is to either have his tongue cut with scissors or have a pediatric dentist in Lehi do laser surgery on him. We are going the laser surgery route. Three out of our three children will have had surgery. At least Lydia and Mary got some anesthesia for theirs. Poor Ammon. It breaks my heart to think of this procedure, but as Ashley quoted to me, “Sufficient is the day unto the evil thereof.” I think that to myself every time I visualize my poor baby’s cut tongue.
Amanda also tested my breast milk. Below is a picture of her as she prepared my milk for the centrifuge. The results (recorded here in case my daughters and granddaughters want to see if their milk is genetically similar) are as follows:
9.2% cream, 26.5 cals/oz, 897.4 kcals/liter, 58.4 g of fat/liter, 6.5g fat/100oz
This evening we went out for Chinese food because my book group was discussing Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and that put me in the mood for Chinese. Abe was shocked because I have never wanted Chinese food in the whole time he’s known me.