Abe ministers

Honestly, I am catch-up blogging and don’t remember what happened this day, but I want to record Abe’s ministry to our family. At stake conference, Abe was struck by one person who said that we should be ministering to our families as much as we minister to others. So every week he picks a person in our family to minister to.

One week he ministered to Lydia by spending an hour on the couch with her while she told him about each and every page in her first grade binder. He listened attentively to her stories, read through her work, and admired her pictures.

Another week he ministered to Ammon by reading to him for an hour. Reading is Ammon’s favorite activity, but I don’t do it as much as he would like. Abe made him so happy by reading to him for so long.

Abe is an amazing father. Our kids are so lucky. I love him so much.