Provo River Falls

On Sunday I was feeling the worst I had felt all weekend, which was saying something because strep really takes it out of you. Anyway, I basically lay in bed while Clarissa napped and Abe took Ammon, Lydia, and Mary to the Crater. They had a wonderful time. Ammon’s life jacket had a bump on the back that acted like a pillow. At first it tipped Ammon face down in the water. Abe quickly corrected that and Ammon spent the rest of the time floating on his back, staring at the ceiling, and talking up a storm. The girls loved the outing and the crater too. Abe came home delighted with the whole experience.

While they were gone I eventually forced myself to pack everything up so we could get going and check out upon their return. After we checked out, Abe drove us to Provo River Falls, which is stunningly beautiful. It basically looks like Glacier or the Tetons in the Uinta National Forest. I couldn’t believe all of this natural beauty was right on our doorstep all these years!!! And yet, I was so sick I couldn’t really leave the car. I just looked at everything out of the window in between my writhes of pain.

Abe fed Clarissa at the falls and then changed her diaper. He let Clarissa wear Lydia’s sunglasses just for fun. 🙂

On our way home everyone except Clarissa fell asleep:

At home I collapsed gratefully into my own bed. I had no plans on leaving it until Abe told me Jere was coming over.

Jere lives in California, so a visit from him is rare. I didn’t know if I could physically move, but Abe told me if I could make it down the stairs I could just lie on the couch. So I did until pain propelled me back upstairs. Everyone loved visiting with Jere. Lydia loves that he speaks German and makes him translate words for her, and Abe had a great conversation with Jere all about life. He came upstairs so happy to have bonded with his brother.